Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
A photon is a
discrete packet {or quantum} of energy of an electromagnetic
Energy of a photon, E = h f = hc / λ where
h: Planck's constant
λviolet ≈ 4 x 10-7 m,
λred ≈ 7 x 10-7 m
Power of electromagnetic radiation, P = Rate of incidence of photon x Energy of a photon =
Photoelectric effect refers to the emission of electrons from
a cold metal surface when electromagnetic radiation ofsufficiently
high frequency falls on it.
4 Major Observations:
- No electrons are emitted if the frequency of the light
is below a minimum frequency {called the threshold frequency},
regardless of the intensity of light
- Rate of electron emission {ie photoelectric current} is
proportional to the light intensity.
- {Emitted electrons have a range of kinetic
energy, ranging from zero to a certain maximum value.
Increasing the freq increases the kinetic energies of the emitted
electrons and in particular, increases the maximum kinetic energy.} Thismaximum kinetic
energy depends only on the frequency and the metal used {ϕ}; the intensity
has no effect on the kinetic energy of the electrons.
- Emission of electrons begins instantaneously {i.e.
no time lag between emission & illumination} even if the intensity is
very low.
NB: (1), (3) & (4) cannot be explained by Wave Theory of Light; instead they provide evidence for the particulate/particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.
Explanation for how photoelectric
effect provides evidence for the particulate nature of em radiation:
{Consider the observations (1), (3) & (4). Use any 2 observations above to describe how they provide evidence that em radiation has a particle nature.}
{Consider the observations (1), (3) & (4). Use any 2 observations above to describe how they provide evidence that em radiation has a particle nature.}
- According to the “Particle Theory of Light”, em
radiation consists of a stream of particles/photons/discrete energy
packets, each of energy hf. Also, no more than one
electron can absorb the energy of one photon {“All-or- Nothing Law”.}
- Thus if the energy of a photon hf < the minimum
energy required for emission (ϕ), no emission can take place no matter how
intense the light may be. {Explains observation (1)}
- This also explains why, {even at very low
intensities}, as long as hf > ϕ, emission takes place without a
time delay between illumination of the metal & ejection of
electrons {Explains observation (4)}.
Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of the em
radiation required to eject an electron from a metal surface. {This is because
the electrons are held back by the attractive forces of the positive nuclei in
the metal.}
Work function of a metal is the minimum energy
required to eject an electron from a metal surface
= h f0 = hcλ0
f0 = threshold frequency
λ0 = threshold wavelength
Maximum |
KE of electrons, ½ mev2max =
eVs {in magnitude} , Vs:
stopping potential
hf = ϕ + eVs
hf = ϕ + eVs
From eVs = hf - ϕ

- If only intensity doubles, the saturation
current doubles (Vs: no change)
- If only frequency increases, magnitude
of Vs also increases, thus no change to saturation
= Incident Power / Illuminated Area = (N/t)(hc/λ)(1/Area)
Thereby Intensity ∝
Rate of incidence of photons, N/t {for
a given λ}
Photocurrent I = (n/t)e,
where (n/t) = rate of emission of electrons
Why rate of emission of electrons
<< rate of incidence of photons {for f>f0}:
- Not every photon would collide with an electron; most
are reflected by the metal or miss hitting any electron.
- On the way out to the metal surface, an electron may
lose its kinetic energy to ions and other electrons it encounters along
the way. This energy loss prevents it from overcoming the work function.
1 eV = (1.6 x 10-19C)x
(1V) = 1.6 x 10-19J {Using W = QV}
1 nanometre (nm) = 1 x 10-9m
1 nanometre (nm) = 1 x 10-9m
Photoelectric equation: Energy of photon = Work function (energy) + Max. KE
of electrons
= ϕ + ½ mev2max
Wave-Particle Duality Concept
- Refers to the idea that light and matter {such
as electrons} have both wave & particle properties.
- The wavelength of an object is given by λ = h/p {p:
momentum of the particle.}
- Interference and diffraction provide
evidence for the wave nature of E.M. radiation.
- Photoelectric effect provides evidence for the particulate
nature of E.M. radiation.
- These evidences led to the concept of the wave-particle
duality of light.
Electron diffraction provides evidence that matter / particles
have also a wave nature & thus, have a dual nature.
Broglie wavelength of a particle {“matter
waves”}, λ = hp
Energy Levels of Isolated Atom:
- Are discrete {i.e. can only have
certain energy values.}
- Difference between successive energy levels ΔE: decreases as
we move from ground state upwards.
Explain how existence of electron
energy levels in atoms gives rise to line spectra:
- Energy levels are discrete.
- During a downward transition, a photon is emitted.
- Freq of photon f = (Ei - Ef)
/ h
- Since Ei & Ef can
only have discrete values, the freq are also discrete and so a line
{rather than a continuous} spectrum is produced. {No need to mention role
of spectrometer}
2 common ways to cause Excitation of
an atom:
- When bombarded by an incident electron where KE
of incident electron > ΔE
i.e. (½ meu2)before collision = Δ E + (½ mev2)after collision - Absorbing an incident photon of
frequency f where hf must = ΔE exactly
The energy level of the ground state
gives the ionization energy, i.e. the energy needed to completely remove
an electron initially in the ground state from the atom {i.e.
to the energy level n = ∞, where E∞ =0}.
Emission line spectrum: A series of discrete/separate bright lines on a dark
background, produced by electron transitions within an atom from higher to
lower energy levels and emitting photons.
An excited atom during a downward
transition emits a photon of frequency f, such that Ei - Ef =
Absorption line spectrum: A continuous bright spectrum crossed by “dark” lines.
It is produced when “white light” passes through a cool gas.
Atoms/electrons of the cool gas absorb photons of certain frequencies and get
excited to higher energy levels which are then quickly re-emitted in
all directions.
Characteristic X-rays: produced when an electron is knocked out of
an inner shell of a target metal atom, allowing another electron from a
higher energy level to drop down to fill the vacancy. The x-rays emitted
have specific wavelengths, determined by the discrete energy
levels which are characteristic of the target atom.
Continuous X-ray Spectrum {Braking
Radiation (Bremsstrahlung)}: produced
when electrons are suddenly decelerated upon
collision with atoms of the metal target.
Minimum λ of cont. spectrum λmin: given by hc
/ λmin = eVa ,
Va: accelerating pd of x-ray tube
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principles: If a measurement of the position of a particle is made
with uncertainty Δx and asimultaneous measurement of its momentum
is made with uncertainty Δp, the product of these 2 uncertainties can never be
smaller than h/4π
Δp ≥ h / 4π
Similarly ΔE Δt ≥ h/4π where
E is the energy of a particle at time t
A particle can be described by
a wave function Ψ where the square of the amplitude of
wave function, IΨ I2, is proportional to the probability of
finding the particle at a point.
Potential barrier: A region of electric field that prevents an atomic
particle like an electron on one side of the barrier from passing through to
the other side.
- A region where the potential energy of a particle, if
it is placed there, is greater than the total energy of the particle.
- Hence the particle would experience an opposing
force if it tries to enter into the potential barrier
Quantum tunnelling: A quantum-mechanical process whereby a particle penetrates
a classically forbidden region of space, i.e. the particle goes through
a potential barrier even though it does not have enough energy
to overcome it. Due to the wave nature of a particle, there is a non-zero
probability that the particle is able to penetrate the potential
Scanning tunnelling microscope: Involves passing electrons from the tip of a
probe through a potential barrier to a material that is to be scanned.
- Quantum tunnelling allows electrons to overcome the
potential barrier between tip & material
- Magnitude of tunnelling current is dependent on the
dist betw the tip and the surface.
- There are two methods to obtain images of the surface
of the material:
- Maintain the tip at constant height and measure the
tunnelling current
- Maintain a constant tunnelling current and measure the
(vertical) position of the tip.
A feedback device adjusts the
vertical height of the tip to keep the tunnelling current const as the tip is
scanned over the surface {Method 2}). The output of the device provides an
image of the surface contour of the material. )
Transmission coefficient (T): measures the probability of a
particle tunnelling through a barrier.
= e -2 k d
k = √[(8π2m(U - E))h2]
d: the thickness of the barrier in
m: mass of the tunnelling particle
in kg
U: the “height” of the potential
barrier in J {NOT: eV}
E: the energy of the electron in J
h: The Planck's constant
Reflection coefficient (R): measures the probability that a particle gets reflected by
a barrier.
+ R = 1
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