Vibrations and Waves

Vibrations and Waves
Summary of Terms:
Sine Curve: A wave form traced by simple harmonic motion that is uniformly moving in a perpendicular direction, like the wavelike path traced on a moving conveyor belt by a pendulum swinging at right angles about the moving belt.
Amplitude: For a wave or vibration, the maximum displacement on either side of the equilibrium (midpoint) position.
Wavelength: the distance between successive identical parts of a wave
Frequency: For a body undergoing simple harmonic motion, the number of vibrations it makes per unit time. For a series of waves, the number of waves that pass a particular point per unit time.
Frequency = 1/Period -or- Period = 1/Frequency
hertz (Hz): unit of frequency; one vibration per second is 1Hz
Period: The time required for a vibration or a wave to make a complete cycle
Wavespeed: The speed with which waves pass by a particular point frequency x wavelength


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