
The force between two electrically charged objects is
F=(Kq1q2)/r^2 (r=distance, q=charges, k=proportionality constant)
E = Elemental electric charge (-1.6 x 10-19 Coulombs)
Conductor - allows electric charge to move thru it
Insulator - materials in which the electrons are tightly bound
E=F/q F=Eq  A=F/M=Eq/M  W=FD=EqD
1 Volt=1 Joule/1 Coulomb
Ampere=Coulombs/Second (A=q/s)
1 Amp=6.25 x 1018 electrons/second
1 Amp(120V)=120W
Electromotive Forces: Battery, Thermoelectric, Electromagnetism
Fluorescent lights - 1 amp
Motor starter - 100 amp
Head L lights - 2 or 3 amp
Friction in a conductor, resists the movement of electrons, limits the amount of potential current that can pass.
R=V/A A=current
V=AR R=resistance
A=V/R V=voltage
What determines resistance?
Type of material, shape and size ; like a hose-bigger means less R, longer means more R
Electric current flows from high potential to low potential (volts)
Thus in a -12v DC battery the current travels from - to +
How are electricity and gravity the same?
They both a forces, and follow the inverse-square law
How are they different?
Electricity is a much stronger force
Gravity is exclusively attractive, while electricity is both repellant and attractive
Does current flow thru or across a resistor? Thru
Is voltage established thru or across a resistor? Across
Ohms law: Amps=Volts/Resistance (A=V/R)
Electrostatics: The study of electric charges at rest relative to one another
Capacitor: An electrical device, in its simplest form a pair of parallel conducting plates separated by a small distance, that stores electric charge.
Coulomb’s Law: the relationship among electrical force, charge, and distance.
Coulomb: the SI unit of electrical charge.
Conductor: any material thru which charge easily flows when subject to an external force.
Insulator: any material that resists charge flow thru it when subject to an external force.
Semiconductor: a poorly conducting material, such as crystalline silicon or germanium, that can be made a better-conducting material by the addition of certain impurities or energy.
Charging by contact: the transfer of charge from one substance to another by physical contact between substances.
Charging by induction: the change in charge of a grounded object, caused by the electrical influence of electric charge close by but not in contact.
Electrically polarized: term applied to an atom or molecule in which the charges are aligned so that one side is slightly more positive or negative than the opposite side.
Electric field: the energetic region of space surrounding a charged object. About a charged point, the field decreases with distance according to the inverse- square law.
Electric potential energy: the energy a charge possesses by virtue of its location in an electric field.
Electric potential: the electric potential energy per amount of charge, measured in volts, and often called voltage.
Potential difference: the difference in voltage between two points, measured in volts.
Electric current: the flow of electric charge that transports energy from one place to another. Measured in amperes, where 1A is the flow of 6.25 x 1018 electrons per second.
Electrical Resistance: the property of a material that resists the flow of an electric current thru it. (ohms).
Superconductor: a material in which the electrical resistance to the flow of electric current drops to near zero or zero under special circumstances that usually include low temperatures.
Direct Current: an electric current flowing in one direction only.
Alternating Current: electric current that repeatedly reverses its direction; the electric charges vibrate about relatively fixed points. In the U.S. the vibrational rate is 60Hz.
Electric Power: the rate of energy transfer, or the rate of doing work; the amount of energy per unit time, which electrically can be measured by the product of current and voltage. Measured in watts or kilowatts.
Series circuit: an electric circuit with devices having resistances arranged in such a way that the same electric current flows through all of them.
Parallel circuit: an electric circuit with two or more resistances arranged in branches in such a way that any single one completes the circuit independently of all the others.
Electrons can be forced into vibration by the vibration electric fields of electromagnetic waves


  1. very intersting information sir...keep it up.=)
    keep uploading more imformation for us


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